School’s Out! Time to Visit Costa Rica.

It’s Summertime! A perfect time for a Costa Rica family vacation. 

Costa Rica is one of the best family vacation spots imaginable for families with small children and teens. 

Full of adventure and discovery, Costa Rica is fun for the entire family with so many spaces and situations that are ideal for family bonding, plenty of opportunities for nature discovery,  and a mountain of teachable moments for school-age kids when it comes to sustainability. 

Of course, visiting a Latin American country like Costa Rica means experiencing a new culture and perhaps even learning a bit of Spanish. Traveling is a great opportunity to teach your kids about the subtleties of culture, about patience and expectation, and about the fact that there is so much more to the world than the one they live in back home. 

While in Costa Rica, you and the family can learn about preserving and respecting nature, about leaving no trace, and taking no souvenirs other than memories and photos (and even then, with strict attention to non-disturbance). It’s an opportunity to give back by cleaning up trash on the beach and to open a discussion about sustainability and preservation, two qualities that, as a country, Costa Rica prides itself on.

With Memorial Day just around the corner, Summer vacation is about to begin. Why not take the kiddos on a great vacation to Costa Rica?

Here are five family-fun activities for your summer vacation with the kids in Costa Rica.

Horseback riding in Costa Rica – a leisurely way to see the countryside.

One of the most exciting and adventurous ways to explore Costa Rica is via horseback. This peaceful, natural mode of transportation provides an authentic and personal experience with nature’s diverse surroundings. While there are countless tours available all over the country, a few stand out above others for their uniqueness or reputation in this field.

Reach out to your concierge to learn which is the best Costa Rica horseback riding tour for you. 

Costa Rica river rafting – an exciting adventure for the whole family.

At the beginning of May, Costa Rica’s rivers rise and make it an ideal time for aquatic adventurers to take on whitewater.

Costa Rica is the perfect destination for thrill-seekers looking to find new ways to explore our world’s waterways. Boasting one of the most diverse collections of rivers in all Latin America, Costa Rican whitewater rafting and kayaking enthusiasts are treated to a whole range of different levels from light rapids over long distances (perfect for beginners) through to class IV+ V waves with drops up 40 feet!

Costa Rica has some 14 major river systems originating within its mountains. All but two flow into either the Pacific or Caribbean coastlines; this provides many beautiful opportunities for those who love adventure sports like white water rafting and kayaking– making it among top destinations worldwide when looking at these types of outdoor activities!

Costa Rica rainforest canopy tours for the entire family.

There are dozens of zipline canopy tours, tranopy tours, and rainforest canopy bridges to choose from in Costa Rica. 

That means that there is something for everyone when it comes to getting up into tree-tops and close to nature. 

Your heart will be beating fast as you fly through the jungle, suspended by a zip line. Ziplining is an adventure of a lifetime and is safe for all ages! The canopy tour traverses across forests atop cables and platforms so that participants may enjoy the view from up high before experiencing exhilarating speeds down below.

With very safe equipment being used in hands of experienced guides, every participant has access to trekking at heights unreachable without this course – making it uniquely thrilling while still remaining completely stable.

Let your adrenaline flow while you traverse tropical jungles on a system of cables and platforms with nothing but safety gear between yourself and nature’s wild beauty above ground or far beneath what lies within these depths; use caution though because some

Butterfly gardens, cacao farms, and coffee plantations – Costa Rica’s jewels.

The entire gang can learn about butterflies and their lifecycle by visiting a butterfly farm, or discover the taste of the cacao bean before it becomes chocolate, and even participate in making chocolate delicacies yourselves! 

So much for families with younger kids, this is not only a great time but also a wonderful learning experience.

Hiking and nature in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica’s vast biodiversity provides the perfect opportunity for families to catch sight of animals, birds, reptiles, and flora in abundance; you and the gang will see things up close and personal that you might only ever see on television or in a zoo back home. A sloth hanging out in a tree on the beach, or an ant-eater gathering up his morning meal; white-faced capuchin monkeys who are likely to steal your backpack, looking for food, or that toucan you’ve only ever seen in its cartoon form on the back of a cereal box.

Hiking through the forest to swim at the bottom of a majestic waterfall

Costa Rica offers some of the best surfing and stand-up paddle in the world.

Costa Rica boasts more than 800 miles of coastline and over 300 beaches, divided between its Pacific and Caribbean sides. That means there are plenty of places to surf, learn to surf or enjoy stand-up paddleboarding. 

For families with kids, it’s a great opportunity to learn something new and have an exciting adventure while they’re at it. 

There’s never a dull moment on your summer family vacation in Costa Rica.

There is so much fun to be had and so many things to see and to learn about in Costa Rica, you’ll never once hear the complaint, “I’m bored!”

Where you have small children or teenagers, there is something to keep the entire family entertained and engaged when you take your family vacation in Costa Rica. 

School is out now. Time to start thinking about taking the family on vacation to Costa Rica.

Reach out today and start planning your summer Costa Rica trip. This will be the best family getaway you ever had!  

Costa Rica Travel During COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions about visiting Costa Rica during COVID-19 in 2021

While travel to many countries has been restricted during the last year, Costa Rica opened its borders to all visitors in late 2020.

The land borders reopened to arriving tourists on April 5, 2021.

We think Costa Rica has done a wonderful job of educating the public about COVID-19 safety measures, and while there are some restrictions in place to keep you safe, there is still plenty to do and see in this beautiful country.

We are happy to hear our travel clients asking about Costa Rica travel amidst the pandemic and, specifically, about what the rules are for public safety and touring the country in 2021. 

We put together a list of frequently asked questions so that you can be prepared for your trip to Costa Rica. 

Q. Are there travel restrictions regarding specific countries – or can anyone come to Costa Rica?

A. No. There are no travel restrictions for Costa Rica at this time. If you’ve got a passport and travel visa, you are welcome to visit!

Q. Will I need to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test to enter the country?

A. No. Costa Rica does not require a negative COVID test to enter the country. 

Q. Are there any special requirements for coming to Costa Rica during the pandemic? 

A. Yes. There are a few things you need to have in place:

  • You’ll need to show proof of intent to leave the country within 90 days. To do that, you can show your return ticket or a ticket to another destination outside the country. 
  • You’ll need to show proof of medical insurance that will cover any COVID-19 medical attention you may need, as well as quarantine lodging, while you remain in the country.  Your insurance policy will need to reflect coverage for the time you intend to remain in Costa Rica for your visit. For example, if your trip is for two weeks, you’ll need 14-days worth of coverage. You can obtain this special medical insurance coverage either through the National Insurance Institute (INS) or through Sagicor of Costa Rica. The cost of your coverage will be about $12 – $23 per day, depending on your age. Seniors over 70 will pay a higher premium.
  • Costa Rica also requires that each member of your party fill out a health pass. This can be found here. This is an electronic form that can be quickly and easily filled out online before your arrival. You’ll be able to get a QR code to display at the airport authorities when you land.

Q. Will my group and I be required to self-quarantine for any length of time when we arrive in Costa Rica? 

A. No. Visitors to Costa Rica are not required to quarantine- you are welcome to enjoy the country at your leisure during your vacation here. 

Q. Does Costa Rica have safety measures in place? Are there any restrictions we should be aware of? 

A. Yes. Costa Rica does have safety measures in place to help protect you and everyone from the COVID-19 virus. 

  • Face coverings are mandatory in all indoor settings except when eating, while alone, or in a private home.  
  • All commercial workers who interact with the public are required to wear face coverings as well.  
  • Face shields can be worn, but only if a face covering is worn underneath.  
  • Face coverings are also required at bus stops and aboard all forms of public transportation including Ubers and taxis.  
  • Face coverings can be either surgical or homemade, as long as they cover the nose and mouth.  
  • The Ministry of Health has stated facial coverings should not include venting devices in order to provide maximum protection against COVID-19.
  • Though there is a daily nationwide nighttime vehicle restriction from 11:00 pm until 5:00 am, Taxis, Ubers, tourists with proof of hotel and flight reservations driving rental cars, and emergency vehicles are allowed to circulate at all times.
  • The majority of commercial businesses can remain open 7 days a week from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm.
  • National Parks may operate at 100% capacity
  • Bars and casinos can operate at 50% capacity
  • Beaches will be open from 5:00 am to 6:00 pm

Q. is there anything important we need to know about returning home from Costa Rica?

A. Yes! Many countries – including the United States and Canada –  require you to present proof of a negative COVID test if you are flying into or transiting through their nation.

More than 100 private labs across Costa Rica offer PCR and/or antigen coronavirus tests.  Here is a list of places you can get tested before leaving Costa Rica. Keep in mind that antigen tests are accepted by the U.S. but are not valid for entry to many countries, including Canada. It is recommended that you get the PCR test. Both tests are obtained through nasal swabs. The antigen test results typically come back faster than the PCR test, which can take about 48 hours.  

We advise that you schedule your test for your testing three days prior to departure from Costa Rica, as it can take up to 48 hours to get your test results back. The test results will be emailed to you and you can present the electronic results at the airport to your airline attendant. 

Keep in mind that if you do test positive for COVID-19, the Ministry of Health will issue a 10-14 day quarantine order. 

Costa Rica- a great option for reigniting your travel plans.

As more and more people get vaccinated around the world, and in Costa Rica, travel is starting to inch back into everyone’s plans. We’re pleased that Costa Rica continues to keep its borders open and welcome visitors like you.

Reach out today to book your perfect Costa Rica vacation.  We’re standing by to help you plan your escape. Let’s face it- a great vacation is long overdue! What could be better than the adventure, discovery, and lush tropical delights of Costa Rica?




La sabiduría de buscar un buen refugio

Tal vez a usted le ha ocurrido: estar en medio de un congestionamiento vial y contemplar, a través del parabrisas, un cielo formidable. Los semáforos cambian de rojo a verde y todo permanece quieto, exasperantemente quieto. Alguien toca el pito con insistencia. Un camión amenaza con avanzar por el espaldón. La aplicación de navegación en su celular despliega continuamente mensajes de “Recalculando”. Y mientras tanto usted solo puede imaginar un plácido desayuno frente al mar  o un café humeante en la frescura del bosque nuboso.

De seguro le ha ocurrido, ¿cierto? Pero no se sienta culpable. Le sucede a muchas personas.

En Costa Rica, según el Informe del Estado de la Nación 2018 los trabajadores de la GAM, en promedio, pasan una hora y 18 minutos en presas en la tarde-noche y una hora y 12 minutos en la mañana. Todo esto representa un costo aproximado  de 3 mil USD al año para cada trabajador. Pero hay algo aún más importante: el efecto en su calidad de vida y su productividad laboral.

La situación de la pandemia ha replanteado los esquemas de organización laboral. Hoy, como resultado de las restricciones sanitarias, muchas organizaciones han implementado protocolos para que los colaboradores realicen sus tareas de forma remota.

Algunos estudios sugieren que estas políticas, además de mejorar la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, podrían significar un aumento significativo en la productividad. En España, por ejemplo, según CaixaBank Research, este aumento iría del 1.4% hasta el 6.2%.

Pero teletrabajar no debería significar literalmente “work from home” (trabajar desde casa). Pese a los indiscutibles beneficios del teletrabajo, está demostrado, también, que trabajar desde casa tiene ciertas desventajas. Uno de los principales problemas se asocia con la escasa separación de vida laboral y familiar, ya que, al desarrollarse en el mismo espacio físico, es altamente probable que el trabajo empiece a afectar las dinámicas familiares. De igual forma, existe un riesgo muy alto de que las personas desarrollen prácticas de sedentarismo que, a la postre, pueden ser muy perjudiciales para la salud.

Por esa razón es importante recordar que usted puede trabajar desde donde desee. Es decir, puede hacer realidad aquello que imaginaba en medio de una presa, el desayuno plácido frente al mar, el café humeante en la frescura del bosque nuboso. Basta, tan solo, identificar la mejor alternativa, empacar su laptop o su tableta y ponerse en marcha.

La colección Small Distinctive Hotels, por ejemplo, ofrece una serie de opciones que le permiten desarrollar sus tareas en el mejor entorno y con las facilidades de conectividad que usted requiere.  Ya sea en la playa…  Alma del Pacífico en Esterillos de Parrita,  The Gilded Iguana en Nosara, Tango Mar en Playa Quizales de la Península de Nicoya, Nicuesa Lodge en el Golfo Dulce, Villa Caletas en el Pacífico Central o Capitán Suizo en Tamarindo…  Ya sea en la montaña… Hotel Belmar de Monteverde o Arenal Kioro en La Fortuna… Usted contará con todo lo necesario para que la rutina diaria sea lo más placentera posible.

La creatividad y la innovación son aptitudes  altamente apreciadas por las organizaciones. Numerosos filósofos, músicos y escritores tenían claro que, a menudo, es importante retirarse a la naturaleza para estimularlas. ¡No lo olvide!

Dreaming of Costa Rica

It’s true, we can’t travel to Costa Rica right now, but we can sure dream of it. 

While travel restrictions are in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve got to sit still for a bit and place our wanderlust on hold; nonetheless, that doesn’t mean we can’t dream. 

It’s tough, I know, to be dreaming of Costa Rica and unable to visit, but at the same time, it’s these very same restrictions that make us so eager to go. 

A peaceful country with no military and a thoughtful, proactive government that places deep importance on things like sustainability and the wellbeing of its citizenry are just a few of the reasons why so many find Costa Rica attractive. 

Here are five ways you can put that Costa Rica vacation notion right into motion.

Book now.

While it’s true that the airport is closed to foreign visitors until the unforeseeable near future, this pandemic and the restrictions that go with it won’t last forever. 

Now is a better time than ever to book flights. Most airlines have extremely flexible cancelation and change policies right now and flights are cheap cheap cheap.  

Do your research and find the best, most affordable Costa Rica flight you can find and go ahead and book! The great news is you can do so worry-free knowing you can simply change your travel dates if need be. 

Start exploring via good ol’ Google.

I love that the Internet lets us virtually explore just about every place in the world, including Costa Rica. With plenty of time to plan, you can check out the entire country and see which part you find most intriguing. 

If nothing sounds more intriguing to you than a misty mountain cloud forest, Costa Rica’s got you covered! 

Long walks on the beach, fun in the sun, and watersports are your thing? Costa Rica has not one, but two oceans to choose from and hundreds of miles of white, black, gold, and even pink sand beaches. 

Choose your stay.

Small Distinctive Hotels of Costa Rica has so many beautiful properties to choose from, it’s a challenge to pick just one! From right on the beach to deep in the forest, each hotel in this distinctive stable of properties has something special to offer. Spa days, sumptuous meals, and memorable experiences, there’s just no way to go wrong when you book at any one of these select properties. Have a little bit of time to explore the country? Select one from each area you are eager to explore!

Start saving!

With stay at home advisories in place in so many areas around the world, it’s a great time to save up a little cash for the Costa Rica vacation of your dreams. I don’t know about you, but before all this craziness began, my life was a series of “mini-vacations;” weekend hiking or biking trips, date nights, restaurant dining, Sunday brunch, concerts, movies, and more. My partner and I spent a lot of money on entertainment. 

The silver lining in all these pandemic protocols? I’m saving some cash. What better way to spend those savings than on a fantastic vacation adventure to beautiful Costa Rica when safety allows? 

Check your passport.

With so much going on, the last thing on most of our minds is whether or not our passports are up to date. Restrictions are going to lift before we know it (I’m an eternal optimist!); make sure your passport is ready to go when you are. With many government agencies, a bit backed up theses days, things like passport renewals may take a little longer than usual. Check yours today and get the ball rolling to get it renewed if necessary. 

“Dare to dream! ….. What you believe to be possible will always come to pass – to the extent that you deem it possible. It really is as simple as that.”   Anthon St. Maarten

Whether you believe in things like the law of attraction or not, I think there can be little doubt in the truth of the old adage that what you put energy in does come to fruition.

Why not put a bit of energy into the Costa Rica trip of your dreams? After all, you’ve got so little to lose and so many experiences and memories to gain!

Navigating the Nicoya Peninsula

While you’re social distancing at home these days, you may be dreaming of Costa Rica travels. One spectacular area you should do your research on and consider exploring is the Nicoya Peninsula.

The Nicoya Peninsula is one of the best off-the-beaten-path destinations in Costa Rica. Taking the time to go there is worth your while from the prolonged dry season to stunning jungles, secluded world-class surf beaches, bohemian towns, international cuisine, and breathtaking waterfalls.

Located in Costa Rica’s Blue Zone, Tambor beach is a ‘must experience’ destination. Staying at the Tango Mar will allow you to cocoon yourself into a long stretch of private beach on 150 acres of exclusive grounds designed to pamper and spoil your body and soul while being able to take advantage of amazing day excursions to Montezuma, Mal Pais, and Santa Teresa.

To get to the Nicoya Peninsula you can either fly in a small plane from San Jose to the nearby tiny airstrip of Tambor or rent a car at the airport and drive south from Liberia along the Peninsula or North from San Jose and take the ferry from Puntarenas to Paquera.

Taking the ferry will save on driving time, is a beautiful 70-minute ferry ride, and you can book your tickets in advance online. If you rent a car, an SUV is recommended as many of the roads on the Nicoya Peninsula are dirt or loose gravel and when it rains it can get quite muddy. To get to Tango Mar is a beautiful and easy 45-minute scenic drive up the Peninsula.

Daily excursions from the Tango Mar will not disappoint you. You can start with a trip to Cocalito Waterfall, which drops right into the ocean and a short 10-minute walk from Cocalito Beach.  If you are not at Tango Mar to golf, spa or surf, you can arrange to boat out to Tortuga Island to snorkel or horseback ride along the beach. 

Montezuma is located on the most southern tip of the Peninsula and is a short 25-minute drive from Tango Mar. This chilled out little town will introduce you to the local bohemian-like pace of life where you can sample amazing international cuisine, stroll lazily in the sand and see some of the best waterfalls in Costa Rica. Make sure to take a break from the beach and feed your adventurous side by overlooking a stunning 80-foot waterfall off of a hanging bridge.

Santa Teresa is another very relaxed small town on the southern part of the Peninsula famous for world-class surfing waves. If you are a novice surfer there are exceptional surf schools. A short distance from Santa Teresa is Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve, where you can see monkeys, butterflies, and sloths. You can also go zip-lining or book a canopy tour to get a bird’s eye view of the breathtaking nature on the Peninsula. Mal Pais is a small fishing town also near Cabo Blanco reserve that is worth exploring. You can paddleboard if surfing is not your vibe, take a yoga class or peruse for celebrities that choose this secluded Peninsula for their vacation destination. 

The coronavirus pandemic won’t keep us home forever. Start planning your Costa Rica getaway now; the Nicoya Peninsula is waiting for you!

Don’t let COVID-19 Ruin Your Costa Rica Vacation

With just a few confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Costa Rica, it remains a safe and beautiful place to travel; still, all travelers, regardless of destination, should take precautions.

Costa Rica does have five confirmed, but isolated, cases of the new coronavirus, which has been named a global health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). The five cases are as follows:

  • A 49-year-old U.S. tourist, who was Costa Rica’s first confirmed case as reported by the Tico Times on Friday. Her husband, also 49 and a U.S. citizen, has also tested positive, though he is asymptomatic.
  • A 54-year-old Costa Rican man who remains in intensive care at a Costa Rican public hospital. The man has preexisting health conditions, complicating his case.
  • A 73-year-old woman who is the aunt of the hospitalized Costa Rican man.
  • A 41-year-old Costa Rican woman who was a caretaker for the hospitalized man.

The government is taking steps to reassure visitors and residents alike about its efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus now that it has appeared in Costa Rica.
The health ministry has announced protocols for businesses and government offices:

  • Signs describing the correct ways to wash your hands and to shield sneezes and coughs are required for all businesses, schools, and churches.
  • Businesses have been advised to disinfect doorknobs, washbasin handles, toilets, telephones, keyboards, and computer devices twice a day at a minimum.
  • The bus and train operators will regularly disinfect all surfaces touched by riders.
  • Public service reminders via radio and television about washing hands and not touching your face.
  • Costa Rica’s international airports and major ports have strict protocols for handling any suspected cases of coronavirus.

How to protect yourself and your family when flying to Costa Rica

Fortunately, you already know how to protect yourself against catching COVID-19 the same way you would handle any contagious disease or illness.

Still, flying presents a little extra risk when it comes to germs, regardless of how serious or benign those germs might be.
When flying, use the following precautions to protect yourself and your group or family from contagions.

  • Avoid physical contact with people; even though you became best friends with your seatmate on the plane, you really don’t need to shake hands to seal the new friendship. An elbow bump, or just a smile, will do.
  • Bring disinfectant wipes in your handbag or carryon. Don’t be shy about wiping down your seat-back tray, armrests and other surfaces around you on the plane.
  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water. When washing your hands, do so like you’ve just handled jalapeños and are about to remove your contacts; sing the ABCs just to be sure you spend enough time on the task.
  • Carry along hand sanitizer and use it frequently. Choose hand sanitizers that are at least 60% alcohol, use generously, and scrub your hands 20 seconds.
  • Masks are controversial; unless it’s an N95 respirator, a mask will not protect you from COVID-19. A paper mask, however, will help you prevent the spread of germs from you to others. If you want to be extra considerate by taking this precaution, most will appreciate the effort. Remember, there are few symptoms during the incubation period of COVID-19.
  • Finally, if you are feeling unwell before your trip, do check in with your doctor; also, please do reschedule your trip to Costa Rica if you’re sick! Most airlines and many hotels are making exceptions during this difficult time when it comes to change fees for rescheduling travel.

Clean hotel rooms in Costa Rica

When you’re not out and about, you’ll want to be confident your hotel room is as clean as possible. Disinfectant wipes can clean commonly used surfaces. Their effectiveness varies, so be sure to read the label.
These are some things to look for to assure yourself that your hotel room is clean:

  • Look around the lobby for a first impression. Are the floors clean and the upholstery in good condition? Are the fixtures and surfaces dust-free, no smears?
  • Once in your room, inspect the bathroom for cleanliness and, in the tropics, signs of mold. Are towels clean and in good condition? Are the shower, tiles, shower curtain, and sink spotless? Above all, give the toilet a good look. You’ll know if it’s clean.
  • Look at the floors around the bed and under it if you can. Any dust bunnies?
  • Go ahead and stash the bedspread in the top of the closet; you’ll be plenty warm with freshly washed blankets and sheets.
  • Look for fingerprints on light switches and handles.
  • Try to avoid big, chain hotels, smaller boutique hotels tend to hold themselves to higher standards. Also, smaller hotels host fewer people.

Making new friends during your trip to Costa Rica

Many gringos are enchanted by the European style of meeting and greeting others in Costa Rica; even strangers tend to say hello, or “nice to meet you,” with a customary air kiss on one cheek. Like in the States, shaking hands is common between men.
During this time of global concern, it may be best practice – and won’t be found offensive- to hold off on this kind of contact with others. As suggested above, a smile or elbow bump will do and your consideration for the health and safety of others will be appreciated.

How COVID-19 spreads

Like all human coronaviruses, COVID-19 spreads like any cold or the flu. The fall and winter seasons are when the virus is at its most active, but coronaviruses can appear at any time. Most people infected with COVID-19 have only minor symptoms, or they can be asymptomatic.
The World Health Organization has advised that the virus spreads by saliva or mucous droplets from sneezing or coughing. The WHO and other health agencies disagree on the length of time the virus lives on surfaces; it could be a window of 30 minutes or longer.
If you take common-sense precautions, you’ll reduce your exposure to COVID-19 and increase your peace of mind. There’s no need to let this coronavirus stop your vacation to Costa Rica; just take care of yourself and be considerate of others as you would at any other time.

 A romantic weekend in San Jose, Costa Rica

With Valentine’s Day just behind us, I’m full of warm reflection on my romantic weekend in San Jose, Costa Rica. 

St. Valentine’s day fell on a Friday this year, which gave us a great excuse for a long weekend- getaway to San Jose, Costa Rica. 

Just a 3-hour flight from Miami meant that my partner and I could leave Friday morning, have an amazing weekend in Costa Rica, and be back in the office on Tuesday morning. 

In fact, a long weekend trip to Costa Rica is entirely doable from most places in the States, as there are direct flights from Dallas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and New York among others. 

Wanting to make the most of it, we decided to stick to the San Jose valley and nearby areas. 

Landing at Juan Santamaria International, there was a car waiting to take us to the nearby Hotel Grano de Oro

There, we quickly checked in, made dinner reservations at the hotel’s famous French restaurant for that same evening, dropped our bags in our luxurious room, and set out to explore the city

Since we just had the afternoon and wanted to get in some spa time before dinner, we decided to just head for La Sabana Park a few blocks away. There, we strolled along the large man-made lake, fed the ducks, watched the children fly kites and take pony rides around the park trails, and enjoyed an afternoon picnic of wine, cheese, bread, and fruit graciously prepared by the hotel restaurant at our request. 

Back at the hotel, we got our spa on; two blissful hours under the expert hands of the hotel’s massage therapists and at last, we felt truly relaxed. 

Then, floating along on tranquility and aromatherapy, we readied ourselves for our 8:00 pm dinner reservation on the terrace of Restaurant Grano de Oro, where a sumptuous dinner of Chateaubriand for my partner, and stuffed portobello mushrooms for me, awaited.   

Sipping on a sublime French Bordeaux (Did I mention that Grano De Oro has an exceptional wine list?), and enjoying dish after wonderful dish, we had a delightful evening listening to the soft tinkle of the patio fountain and music playing softly in the background as we chatted and discussed our plans for the following day. 

Chocolate and music in San Jose

Since we had theater tickets for an evening at the Teatro Nacional, we opted for a nearby rainforest and chocolate adventure for our Saturday adventure. 

A shuttle bus picked us up from our hotel in the morning and, upon arrival, we hiked through the rainforest, discovering far more in nature than we’d anticipated. Then we had a chocolate tour of a local cacao plantation. On our way, we got to stop at La Virgen del Socorro, a private reserve, where we had lunch at the local restaurant owned by a man called Don Jose.

That evening, we were off to Teatro Nacional in downtown San Jose. There, we enjoyed the soulful, and sometimes reggae-esque sounds of Debi Nova, a Costa Rican singer and musician who has been involved in several grammy-winning productions and has been nominated for a Latin Grammy award, among others.

On Sunday, it was all about Costa Rica white water river rafting.

Wow, what a thrill! The shuttle picked us up early in the morning and took us, along with our rafting mates, first to brunch and then to the put-in point where we had a quick safety lesson and got our life vests and helmets. 

Running Class III and IV rapids into the heart of the rainforest, and down the Pacuare River, our clothes were soaked and our hearts were pumping; it was the most fun we’ve had in quite some time!

At the end of the day, exhausted but happy, we enjoyed room service and relaxed, knowing we’d just have the morning to enjoy a leisurely champagne brunch at Restaurant Grano de Oro and then prepare for our early afternoon flight home. 

The perfect long weekend, romantic getaway; San Jose, Costa Rica. Reach out today to book yours. 




Visiting Arenal, Costa Rica

Arenal and the surrounding area of northern Costa Rica are popular for things to do and see.

Visiting Arenal Volcano is a visit to one of the most recognizable volcanoes in Costa Rica. The volcano’s classic symmetrical cone shape rises out of the surrounding area and dominates the landscape of the national park. Last active in 2010, the volcano is currently dormant. As the region recovers from a series of eruptions that began in 2010, it’s creating new and unique ecosystems.

Things to do during your trip to Arenal

Even though the volcano itself is off-limits, Arenal National Park has miles of hiking around the volcano and over old lava flows. The hikes meander through unique microclimates and highly adapted ecosystems. Be sure to hire a naturalist guide who will make sure you don’t miss the exotic species of the Arenal region.

Lake Arenal, the largest in Costa Rica, sits at the base of the volcano. Kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, fishing, and boat tours are good ways to get on the water and explore. Bilingual guides will take you out for a cruise around the lake, pointing out waterfowl and terrestrial wildlife. For a special evening, try a sundown dinner cruise for unforgettable views.

For thrills, go whitewater rafting on the Balsa River, one of the most popular in the area. The river’s Class II and III rapids are suitable for beginners and more advanced rafters. Safe for all but the very young, the trip downriver is about 2 hours. For more advanced rafters, the Sarapiqui’s Class III-IV rapids require a bit more experience. Regardless, the rainforest looks very different from the river.

A visit to the Arenal Hanging Bridges presents eco-tourists with an opportunity to wander the trails of this ecotourism park. The 8 fixed bridges and 6 hanging bridges are part of a 600-acre private reserve. Hike with a naturalist guide to get the most out of the stunning variety of animals, birds, and flowering plant life. Entrance to the park for adults is US$26; US$16 for teens 11 – 18; seniors, $21; 10 and under, free. Other tour options include bird watching, natural history, and a night tour.

The Sky Tram carries thrill-seekers up through the canopy to the Miguel Angel Observatory. From the observatory, you can see the volcano and lake, as well as the Tilaran Mountains. The zipline canopy tour of 4.5 miles begins at the observatory. The minimum age for the Sky Trek zipline is 8 years old. The more sedate in the group can return via the tram.

Where to stay while visiting Arenal

La Fortuna is a small farming village, named for La Fortuna Waterfall. The waterfall is only accessible on foot (15 minutes) or by horse. The waterfall drops through lush rainforest to cool, crystal clear pool 200 feet below. Be sure to take a swimsuit for a refreshing dip.

In La Fortuna, consider treating yourself to a stay at Arenal Kioro Green Luxury. As its name implies, this boutique hotel mixes luxury with the verdant vegetation that surrounds it. The botanical garden paths offer stunning views of Arenal Volcano.

Visiting Arenal and the local area is a must for eco-tourists and adventure travelers in Costa Rica. The landscape of rolling hills and the verdant rainforest are a study of contrasts and the power of nature to renew itself.

Reach out today to start making plans for your next trip to Arenal, Costa Rica.

Visiting the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica

One of the world’s Blue Zones, the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica is a land of contrasts

It’s well worth visiting the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica; it’s isolated, mostly unspoiled, and has all the facilities available in more urban areas. The habitat, climate, and lifestyle have made it a place of longevity and contentment for its residents, as well as one of the most famous of the world’s Blue Zones.

Surfing is king on the Nicoya Peninsula; yoga runs a close second. Locally, alternative lifestyles and stunning landscapes reward anyone who visits the Nicoya Peninsula.

The best way to get to the peninsula is by ferry from Puntarenas to Paquera. Make reservations online ( or pay cash ($25) for the 70-minute ride across the Nicoya Gulf. Road conditions mean a 4WD vehicle is strongly recommended, and it takes longer to get places.

Places to stay on the Nicoya Peninsula

Midway between Paquera and Montezuma is the small but distinctive Tango Mar hotel—from here, it’s easy to explore Montezuma to the southwest. With only 43 rooms, you can relax and enjoy Playa Quizales on the Nicoya Gulf.

The Gilded Iguana on Playa Guiones in Nosara has been catering to surfers since 1988. With access to the area’s famous beach, surfers, yoga fans, and adventurous travelers will find plenty to do.


Montezuma, on the Nicoya Gulf, boasts several, almost secret, white-sand beaches. Montezuma has an eclectic and relaxed feeling that embodies the alternative lifestyle of its residents. Playa Grande, a well-known surfing break, is nearby.

Things to do on the Nicoya Peninsula include:

               Horseback riding on the beach

               Montezuma Waterfall

               Mangrove boat tours

               Day trip to Isla Tortuga for snorkeling

               Deep-sea fishing

               Scuba diving

               Cabo Blanco, Romelia Wildlife Reserve,

                and Curu Private Wildlife Refuge tours

Santa Teresa

Beautiful lonely beaches mix with the bohemian vibe of Santa Teresa, a major destination in Central and South America. You don’t just happen on Santa Teresa, you have to be committed to getting there on rough roads. Beach bonfires, live music, and the spirit of Pura Vida typify the town’s New Age groove.


Samara is a small beach town on the Pacific coast, where visitors to the Nicoya Peninsula can find a more authentic Costa Rica. The village still has a local feel, and the downtown adjoins the beach. The surrounding area is one of dry tropical forest and wildlife.


The village of Nosara is known as a yoga center, as well as for its beaches. Playa Guiones, with its consistent and long surf break, draws surfers from around the world. Also nearby, Playa Pelada’s nearby reef and tidal blowhole are just offshore. Olive Ridley turtles nest on the beach at Ostional Wildlife Refuge. The Gilded Iguana’s mountain biking center takes advantage of the area’s unique riding terrain.

Visiting the Nicoya Peninsula is a must for anyone that wants a look at the underdeveloped area, where locals and ex-pats alike enjoy the area’s natural beauty and history. The Nicoya Peninsula is a study in contrasts: rural, yet urban; dry tropical forests and savannahs, as well as rainforests. The Nicoya Peninsula is a must-visit destination.

Introducing Tango Mar

Tango Mar: Oasis of comfort and luxury on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

Tango Mar sits on 150 acres of the scenically stunning and remote, Southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. Just down the road from Montezuma, the property is a private reserve with only 43 rooms and 3 villas, with views overlooking the Nicoya Gulf and the Pacific Ocean beyond.   

On arrival, the friendly and efficient staff greet you with refreshingly cool towels and a welcome drink. Attention to detail is the hallmark here—staff has been carefully trained to meet your needs. Tango Mar’s efficient operation and relaxing atmosphere ensure your comfort.

Rooms include standard and deluxe rooms that sleep 2 – 6 people, spacious suites and villas that sleep up to 10. Tile floors and minimalist décor serve to highlight the ocean and garden views. Breakfast is included at El Cristobal, the resort’s premier restaurant. The atmosphere throughout is designed to showcase the secluded and stunning beauty of the Nicoya Peninsula with sustainability in mind. 

The resort offers specially priced 3-night packages that include lodging, special activities, and tours, as well as breakfast and dinner each day. The per couple pricing is perfect for honeymooners and couples looking for an intimate getaway.

At El Cristobal for dinner, diners can expect offerings that include fresh seafood, international dishes, and Costa Rican dishes in an elegant dining room appointed with furnishings from the Cristobal tree. The setting is intimately casual, with a jaw-dropping ocean view.

More casual dining at the poolside El Rancho Grill and Restaurant takes advantage of the lush gardens just steps from the beach. El Rancho serves lunch, snacks, and tropical cocktails.

The palm-lined beach will appeal to beachcombers and sunbathers; with 3 pools and a swim-up bar, you’ll enjoy an opportunity for a refreshing and relaxing dip in the water. The resort offers horseback riding, tennis, and golf. Different tours and activities include boat tours through the mangroves and to Tortuga Island for snorkeling; or birding, sportfishing, and scuba diving. Curu, a private wildlife refuge, and Cabo Blanco Nature Park are nearby, the staff at Tango Mar can arrange a guided visit to either.

The 9-hole, par 3/4 Executive Golf Course takes advantage of the gently rolling landscape across the ocean bluff. The course is designed for casual play among palm trees filled with Costa Rica’s colorful exotic birds. Golfers playing here can tune up their short game. 

The full-service spa offers a full complement of massages, facials, wraps, and salon services for guests to pamper themselves. Spa guests can also take part in an hour-long Pilates class ($30) or design their spa package ($190 for 2 hours).

Tango Mar has something for every guest interested in relaxing in an astonishing atmosphere of beauty and peaceful relaxation. Contact us for more information about your stay, whether you’re coming to Costa Rica for vacation, or planning a family holiday vacation, your wedding, or your honeymoon.