Our Hotels
Small Distinctive Hotels is a collection of boutique hotels in Costa Rica, which are located throughout the most beautiful, diverse, and exciting regions of the country. Each member offers you the best experience in the happiest country in the world.

— Costa Rica Honeymoon —

— Family Vacation —

— Wellness —
Distinctive Packages
Costa Rica, one of the most prosperous and politically stable countries (BBC)
— Costa Rica —
A country of similar size to Switzerland, Costa Rica is bursting with biodiversity. Mangroves, coral reefs and beaches lie alongside dry forest, rainforest and every type of tropical forest in between. But whether you are passionate about nature, adventure sports or simply relaxing on the beach, this jewel of Central America offers something for everyone. Costa Rica has a well-developed tourist infrastructure, and opportunities abound for zip-lining, hiking through the cloud forest.
— Sustainability —
The development of sustainable tourism must be seen as the balanced interaction between the use of our natural and cultural resources, the improvement of the quality of life among local communities, and the economic success of the industry, which also contributes to national development. Sustainable tourism is not only a response to demand, but also an imperative condition to successfully compete now and in the future (Definition of Sustainable Tourism, CST 1997).